We announce that the Indonesian Darmasiswa Scholarship Program at STMIK IKMI Cirebon will reopen for the 2023/2024 Academic Year, the program being offered is the Indonesian Language/Cultural Arts program for 12 months. For those who are interested in registering for the program can prepare the requirements mentioned below. Registration schedule will be announced at a later date.
Each student has to fulfill these requirements as the follows:
- Foreign nationals
- Completed secondary education or its equivalent
- Minimum age 18 years and Not older than 27 years of age
- Able to communicate in English (Proven by English Language Proficiency Certificate : TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS or OTHER CERTIFICATE if applicable)
- In good health as proven by Medical Certificate
- Have basic knowledge of the field you're applying
- Have good interest to learning about language, art and culture
- Not registered as Darmasiswa’s Alumni
- Not currently studying in Indonesia
- Not currently working in Indonesia
- Curriculum vitae/resume
- Medical certificate
- Passport valid at least 24 months from the time of applying
- Recommendation Letter from Education Institution / Professional Institution on official letterhead and signature (in English)
- Last academic transcript and certificates (in English)
- Language certificate (if applicable)
- Other certificates that related to the field you're applying (if applicable)
- Photo passport colour
- Writing essay about purpose of study (in English or Bahasa Indonesia maximum 500 words)
- The video shows full of body and has a maximum duration of 2 minutes to tell about the motivation to join the program and what will be done after the program, as an ambassador of Indonesian culture. (in English or Indonesian)