We announce that the Indonesian Darmasiswa Scholarship Program at STMIK IKMI Cirebon will reopen for the 2023/2024 Academic Year, the program being offered is the Indonesian Language/Cultural Arts program for 12 months. For those who are interested in registering for the program can prepare the requirements mentioned below. Registration schedule will be announced at a later date.

Each student has to fulfill these requirements as the follows:
  1. Foreign nationals
  2. Completed secondary education or its equivalent
  3. Minimum age 18 years and Not older than 27 years of age
  4. Able to communicate in English (Proven by English Language Proficiency Certificate : TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS or OTHER CERTIFICATE if applicable)
  5. In good health as proven by Medical Certificate
  6. Have basic knowledge of the field you're applying
  7. Have good interest to learning about language, art and culture
  8. Not registered as Darmasiswa’s Alumni
  9. Not currently studying in Indonesia
  10. Not currently working in Indonesia
  1. Curriculum vitae/resume
  2. Medical certificate
  3. Passport valid at least 24 months from the time of applying
  4. Recommendation Letter from Education Institution / Professional Institution on official letterhead and signature (in English)
  5. Last academic transcript and certificates (in English)
  6. Language certificate (if applicable)
  7. Other certificates that related to the field you're applying (if applicable)
  8. Photo passport colour
  9. Writing essay about purpose of study (in English or Bahasa Indonesia maximum 500 words)
  10. The video shows full of body and has a maximum duration of 2 minutes to tell about the motivation to join the program and what will be done after the program, as an ambassador of Indonesian culture. (in English or Indonesian)