About STMIK IKMI Cirebon


STMIK IKMI Cirebon was established based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1/KPT/I/2015. Currently has 5 (five) Study Programs consisting of 3 (three) Undergraduate Study Programs and 2 (two) Diploma Study Programs.

The Undergraduate Study Program is the Informatics Engineering Study Program (S1), the Software Engineering Study Program (S1), the Information Systems Study Program (S1) and the Diploma Study Program are the Informatics Management Study Program (D3) and the Accounting Computerization Study Program (D3).

STMIK IKMI Cirebon is located at Jl. Perjuangan No. 10 B Cirebon City, West Java Province, Indonesia.

The vision of STMIK IKMI Cirebon is to Become a Superior University in the Field of Computer Science Based on Artificial Intelligence that Raises Local Wisdom in the Ciayumajakuning Region in 2025.

The mission of STMIK IKMI Cirebon is:
  1. Organizing quality, creative and innovative education and teaching;
  2. Carry out research activities to develop science in the field of computer science that has benefits both institutional, regional, and national interests;
  3. Carry out community service in the field of computer science at both the regional and national levels;
  4. Develop cooperation and partnerships with various parties to improve and apply knowledge in the field of computer science to play an active role in national development;
  5. Implement higher education quality standards to achieve excellent accreditation.

STMIK IKMI Cirebon carries out an internationalization program with several universities in Cambodia, one of which is the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC) through the Double Degree program with a 3 + 1 scheme (3 years in Indonesia and 1 year in Cambodia) and vice versa for students from NPIC implementing the same program.

Until now there have been 59 foreign students from 16 countries who have studied at STMIK IKMI Cirebon through the Darmasasiwa Program from 2011 to 2019. Statistically it can be shown as follows.

Contact Info

  • FOREIGN AFFAIRS OFFICESTMIK IKMI Cirebon, Jl. Perjuangan No. 10B Majasem Kota Cirebon
  • Phone: +62-231-490-480 / +62-895-3911-79613
  • Email :darmasiswa@ikmi.ac.id

Traditional Foods

Tahu Gejrot
Nasi Jamblang
Nasi Lengko
Empal Gentong
Mie Koclok

Cirebon Traditional Arts and Culture
Cirebon Mask Dance
Mask dance is one of Cirebon`s original arts which is in the form of dance and the dancer uses a mask to dance
This art performance is indeed colored with a magical side, because the dancer will be bound from neck to toe, then locked in a large chicken cage that has been covered, while the dancer has changed into the typical sintren dancer`s clothes, complete with sunglasses. , and with gamelan accompaniment, these possessed dancers, dance, until the performance is over
Gembyung Art
This art is one of the relics of the guardians in Cirebon, which is a form of the development of the art of flying used by the guardians to spread Islam
Genjring Rudat
At first it was a type of art that developed in Islamic boarding schools in Cirebon, then as time went on, this art became one of the beginnings of the growth of the spirit of struggle to fight against the Dutch colonialists, which was led by the Kanoman Sultanate of Cirebon.
Angklung Bungko Dance
Ngarot Traditional Tradition
The background for the ngarot ceremony is the existence of a community leader named Ki Kapol. During his life, he liked to gather bachelors-cuene (young people) while holding meals and drinking at his residence


  1. Indonesian learning for foreign speakers
  2. Indonesian Arts and Culture